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At Home Agents

Want to work on your own? 

The Gorilla Solution is here!

You have a choice, become an independent agent or become a contractor for GMHC at home with inhouse benefits!!!

We got your leads!

We got your opportunity!

We got the systems!

We got your commissions

We got your service & tracking! We got your back!

Benefits of Working Insurance Jobs From Home with the Gorilla!

Once you get your act together and have all the correct systems in place to be your more efficient self, you will find that, as an insurance agent, work from home can be truly liberating. Here’s a quick list of some of the greatest benefits of remote insurance agent jobs:

Decreased commute time

The U.S. Census shows the average one-way commute in America since 2019 is about 27 minutes. That’s 54 minutes a day and 4.5 hours in a work week spent on getting from point A to point B and back. Sometimes the stress of travel in the morning can cause disruptions to mood and production, beat the traffic and head into your home office!  

Decreased commute costs

Whether you’re spending money on gas, bus fare or new walking shoes, the cost of commuting to work can add up. There are also opportunity costs that come with prioritizing your commute. For example, sometimes the cost of commuting can keep you from moving into a nicer home on a more affordable side of town; or maybe you are too far from the corporate office?  

More time to sleep

Cutting commute time out of the equation can give the average commuter 27 extra minutes of shut-eye. If you’re an early bird anyway, you can also use this time to exercise or meditate. The time you save in the morning can be surprisingly valuable. Maybe, you just want to get the extra 30 minutes to get ahead of the day! Exercise, Yoga, Gym, or maybe just the relaxing morning café.

Parents have more time with their children

Working from home doesn’t mean you can play with your kids all day and, with schools reopening, kids won’t be at home all the time anyway. However, working from home will give you a more flexible schedule and increase your availability to them. We have allot of parents deciding to work at home considering their busy schedules. They make their own hours and create their own schedules.

Partners have more quality time together

When both partners work 9-5 it might seem impossible to spend any quality time together that doesn’t involve housework or eating. When you both work from home, you can spend more time together, even if it’s just for lunch and coffee breaks, or for the 27 extra minutes in the morning.

Offices have fewer expenses

Rent, electricity and maintenance staff can be very expensive, especially depending on the office size and location. If all employees can work from home, the decrease in costs will cause the company’s margins to increase. That means more money that can be spent on research and development, tools to increase productivity, or even salary bonuses.

Disadvantages of Working Insurance Jobs From Home “Outside of GMHC”

Keeping up your own motivation

If clients give you significant pushback, which is not uncommon in insurance, it’s easy to blame yourself and want to spend more time watching Netflix than actually working. In a solitary environment, there’s a lot of space for developing a negative attitude when it comes to work. It’s easier to give up on a task that is difficult than to ask for help when no one is physically around you.  

This is why, as an agent, staying motivated and goal-oriented is so important. You can start by achieving smaller goals every day to keep your motivation levels up. 

Maintaining your work-life balance

The work/life balance scale tips both ways. As easy as it is to ignore your work for other aspects of your life at home, it’s also just as easy to ignore your home and make your entire life centered around work.  

When you live and work in the same place, sometimes your hours can blur and you can forget to prioritize normal parts of your routine, such as cleaning, cooking, maintaining personal hygiene and socializing. As much as you need to focus on your job, don’t forget to maintain your home and lifestyle outside of work.

Keeping track of paperwork

It’s very easy to miss out on paperwork or run into organizational problems when you’re away from the office. Make sure you and the people you work with have a good system of organization to keep the paperwork from becoming overwhelming.  

Remember to focus on every individual client and have a strong system in place before searching for new clients. A backlog of paperwork can result in unhappy customers and poor reviews.

As we venture back to our pre-pandemic lifestyles of gatherings and public spaces, you may find that going to the office will have lost what little luster it had in the first place. Maybe, after following our work-from-home secrets, you’ll find that when it comes to insurance jobs, work from home is the way to go.

The Gorilla has the solution to these problems!

Proprietary technology to keep you hassle free and paper free!

Ultimate Phone System logging, recording, and tracking your calls!

Work at your own pace, although our support staff is here to keep you motivated and driven!

We are here for you.